

Carson, Asher Jedidiah Young, and Our Journey…I Am a Father!

Many of you know around 17 months ago, my wife Stephanie and I lost our youngest son Carson, when he was not quite two years old. I shared a bit as we were walking through that tragedy which you can read more about here. My life has been dramatically transformed. Inside out. Outside in. Perspective…

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Writing a New Chapter

As many of you know, at the beginning of April my wife and I tragically and unexpectedly lost our youngest of three kids, Carson Isaiah. I can only begin to express to you how much the thoughts, prayers, support, and financial contributions mean to our family! I still can’t believe we raised over $35k toward…

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In Loving Memory of Carson Isaiah Young

I know this blog platform has become the source of technology advice, lessons learned and general guidance for many professionals around the world. As such, I don’t often write about non-technology topics or share my personal journey, but I am hoping you will be understanding after reading of the tragedy and sorrow in my family…

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